Peter Warman is the CEO and co-founder of Newzoo, the worldwide leader in global games, esports, and mobile market intelligence. Founded in 2007, Newzoo works with many of the leading global entertainment, technology, and media companies, along with top consumer brands. Before starting Newzoo, Warman was responsible for sales and business development at Europe’s largest interactive agency LBi. He is a frequent speaker on the current and future state of the games, mobile, and esports markets at premium events and conferences around the world. Peter Warman是Newzoo的CEO及联合创始人。Newzoo是全球领先的游戏、电竞及移动市场的研究分析公司,自2007年成立以来,公司与多家世界顶尖的娱乐、科技、媒体公司以及各大消费者品牌合作。在创办Newzoo之前,Peter曾在欧洲最大的互联广告公司Lbi负责销售和业务拓展。Peter经常受邀主讲全球各地重要的行业会议,分享他对于游戏、移动和电竞行业的现状及未来发展趋势的独特见解。