Sophia ONG
Sophia Ong is GM of Strategic Partnership and Key Account Service at Tencent Online Media Group with responsibility of leading major sponsorship and partnering initiatives for top brand advertisers. By driving digital marketing solution with greater media integration and innovation derived from in-depth understanding of clients’ demand, to help advertisers achieve their business objectives and vision.
Notable is her five years as GM of Planning & Implementation in Tencent before she taking over the advertising department role, Sophia created and upgraded the proprietary digital marketing methodology Tencent MIND ( Measurability, Interactivity, Navigation, Differentiation) which has been recognized as thought leadership in the China Digital marketing field.
In 2013, Sophia was named 《Ad Age》Woman to Watch China , 4th Golden Click Award for Most Charismatic Female Executive , Tiger Roar Award Outstanding Executive.
Prior to joining Tencent, she served in marketing and strategic business development at several companies, such as VP of Digital in Carat China, responsible for digital media strategic growth plan and client solution. She was General Manager at Universal McCann Taiwan with responsibility of company operation. She was a charter member and board member of the Online Media & Marketing Association Taiwan. Her experience and perspective from both the media and agency’s side has made her a highly sought after speaker from clients and industry forums.